
Taoism and the Rich/Poor divide

Since this Blog is titled The Tao of Apu, and since I have decided to focus on global poverty and the Rich/Poor divide, it seemed only natural to discuss the view of Taoism on this economic chasm. At first, I thought, well, Taoism is about the balance between opposites, suggesting that the Rich and the Poor are a necessary and natural state of being, balancing each other out. However, after some further Googling, I found some enlightening relief at a website called the Taoist Culture & Information Centre, on a page called The Concept of Supreme Peace. The following is an excerpt:


Daoism considers that all people are sons of the Great Dao. So they are born equal. This is characterized by ideas of equality and equalization in social distribution. The idea of equalization has been included in the ideal of Supreme Peace. Here, equalization doesn't mean absolute equality without differences. Instead, it refers to an ideal in which everyone is provided with proper chances to make a living and become rich. In this society, the big gap between the rich and poor doesn't exist. Laozi said, the natural rule is to act as an archer who lowers the bow when it is too high, and raises it when it is too low. That is to say, a natural rule is to take unnecessary wealth away from the rich to finance the poor. In contrast with that, the artificial rule is to take away the necessities from the poor to make the rich even richer, which Laozi considered to be diametrically against the Dao of Heaven. In this regards, Daoism is always opposed to a big gap between the rich and the poor.

This in the very least appeases my mind that in following Tao, I am not also condoning such things as Rich/Poor Gap.

Now, speaking of... here is today's statistic:

The wealthiest nation on Earth has the widest gap between rich and poor of any industrialized nation. (Corporate Watch, 1997).


At Mon Jan 02, 02:12:00 AM PST, Blogger The Rambling Taoist said...

I realize you posted this 4 months ago, but here's my take on this issue. The core principle of Taoism is balance or harmony. It is impossible to achieve harmony when there is great wealth on one end and dire poverty on the other.

In nature, when one aspect grows to "rich" (or numerous), Tao has a way of "taking from the rich" to regain nature's delicate balance. We humans should try to learn this lesson.


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